
To access a published article via the journal website, click on the article name. If you would like to read one of my articles but are unable to access the full text, please email me at

  1. Mize, Trenton D. and Reilly Kincaid. 2025. Role-Accumulation and Mental Health Across the Life Course.” American Sociological Review.

  2. Kincaid, Reilly, J. Jill Suitor, Megan Gilligan, and Destiny Ogle. 2025. ““Because He's My Baby": The Role of Birth Order in How Mothers Explain Favoritism Toward Adult Children.” Sociological Perspectives.

  3. Gilligan, Megan, J. Jill Suitor, Reilly Kincaid, Yifei Hou, Eunbea Kim, and Destiny Ogle. 2024. Adult Sibling Tension and Psychological Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Older Mothers’ Care Needs.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

  4. Reynolds, Jeremy, Daniel Pinzon Quintero*, Julieta Aguilar*, and Reilly Kincaid. 2024. Work Schedules, Finances, and Freedom: Work Schedule Fit and Platform-Dependence among Gig Workers on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Platform.” Socius.

  5. Kincaid, Reilly and Megan R. Underhill. 2024. “"Go Ask Mom": The Gendered Dynamics of Color-Conscious Racial Socialization Among White Parents.” Social Problems.

  6. Kincaid, Reilly. 2024. “Happier When (We Think) We All Get Along: Satisfaction with Family Relationships, Perceptions of Other Family Members’ Relationships, and Parents’ Mental Health.” Journal of Family Issues.

  7. Kincaid, Reilly and Jeremy Reynolds. 2024. “Unconventional Work, Conventional Problems: Gig Microtask Work, Inequality, and the Flexibility Mystique.” The Sociological Quarterly.

  8. Reynolds, Jeremy, Julieta Aguilar*, and Reilly Kincaid. 2024. “More than a Side-Hustle: Satisfaction with Conventional and Microtask Work and the Association with Life Satisfaction.” Social Science Research.

  9. Reynolds, Jeremy and Reilly Kincaid. 2024.It Depends: Platform Dependence, Schedule Control, and Satisfaction Among Gig Workers on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Platform.” Sociological Forum.

  10. Neupert, Shevaun D., Eileen K. Graham, Destiny Ogle, Sumbleen Ali, Daisy V. Zavala, Reilly Kincaid, Mac Kenzie L. Hughes, Rita X. Hu, Toni Antonucci, J. Jill Suitor, Megan Gilligan, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Stacey B. Scott. 2024. “A Coordinated Data Analysis of Four Studies Exploring Age Differences in Social Interactions and Loneliness During a Global Pandemic.” Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

  11. Reynolds, Jeremy and Reilly Kincaid. 2023. “Gig Work and the Pandemic: Looking for Good Pay from Bad Jobs During the COVID-19 Crisis.” Work and Occupations.

  12. Kincaid, Reilly. 2022. “Partner-Child Relationship Satisfaction and Marital Satisfaction: Do Impressions Spill Over?Journal of Family Issues.

  13. Kincaid, Reilly, Christie Sennott, and Brian Kelly. 2022. “Doing and Redoing Emphasized Femininity: How Women Use Emotion Work to Manage Competing Expectations in College Hookup Culture.” Sex Roles.

  14. Kincaid, Reilly. 2022. “Status, Masculinity, and Femininity at the Intersection of Age and Gender.” Social Science Research.

  15. Kincaid, Reilly, Marissa Rurka, J. Jill Suitor, Megan Gilligan, Karl Pillemer, Liam Mohebbi, and Nicholas Mundell. 2022. “Prodigal Children: Why Older Mothers Favor Their Once-Deviant Adult Children.” Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

  16. Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Reilly Kincaid, Yifei Hou, Catherine Stepniak, and Siyun Peng. 2022. “How Widowhood and Gender Shape the Impact of Maternal Favoritism on Adult Children’s Psychological Well-Being.” Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

  17. Kincaid, Reilly. 2021. “Maternal Decision-Making and Family-to-Work Spillover: Does Gender Ideology Matter?Sociological Focus.